Saturday 24 August 2024

Tanzania Educational and Hygiene Support to Girls .

                   Girls Inspire: Educational and Hygiene Support to Girls from Primary  
                                     Schools adjacent to the Ruvu Forest Reserve, Tanzania

The project goals were to provide training on sexual and reproductive health education to 134 primary school girls from Mumbi and Mpera primary schools. The training aimed at helping primary school pupils to understand the changes that their bodies go during puberty, resist peer pressure, delay their first experience of sex and understand sexual transmission diseases.
The training covered topics such as sexually transmitted infections, contraceptives; sexual and reproductive health; pregnancy and menstruation; gender and current life skills. It was based on interactive teaching methods and approaches including story-telling, flipchart pictures, competitions, drama, and role-play, so as to create an exciting and stimulating learning environment.
The project provided essential educational materials to 87 schoolgirls (36 and 51 from the Mpera and Mumbi primary schools, respectively) coming from poor and deprived families. The education materials provided included textbooks, pens, exercises books, pair of uniforms and shoes. Lack of education needs and materials is one of the significant reasons for drop-out of primary school pupils in this area. By doing this, the project was able to restore pupils’ smile and motivation to continue with classes and increase completion rate.



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